Single Cup Headphones – New Mexico History Museum


Caroline Lajoie - Exhibition Designer

Excellent to work with!

Our unique Single Cup headset with magnetic hanger can now be found in the New Mexico History Museum. The museum is a key marker of the country’s history, which interprets and reflects on significant historical events.

The headsets & magnetic hangers are being used in the Palace of the Governors exhibit: Voices of Counterculture in the Southwest. It documents the social and environmental revolution that spanned through the 60’s and 70’s, with regards to the influx of young people coming to New Mexico. The oral recollections are an essential part of the exhibit which delves into alternative living and exploring those situations that were becoming more common.

Our Armour Cable Headsets were used alongside button panels supplied by the museum. Visitors simply select a track and listen via the headset. The headsets are easily stored on their magnetic hangers, whilst the 90° swivel knuckle and armour outer cable protects the inner cable from wear and tear.

The inclusion of oral histories on the counter culture movement has really helped bring the new exhibition to life.